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I wish I could just fill it up here...

Double smp Scalp tattoo

Hair transplant surgery is burdensome,
but is scalp tattoo natural?

Progressing partial hair loss
I've tried everything that is good for hair loss, but I'm just upset.
I'd like to fill in a bit here...
Hair transplant surgery which requires a one-year wait, is burdensome.
People say that scalp tattoo good treatment these days, but I am concerning of whether they will suit me again.

Hair loss worries with no end in sight.. Can't we solve it more easily and comfortably?

Be&Me Double smp That's how we began.

hair loss, How are you managing it?

Anti-hair loss shampoo

black cushion/hair cushion

partial wig

home care

hair loss medicine

hair transplant surgery

*of ten thousand BE&ME visitors aged 20~60s

What is the benefits of scalp micro-pigmentation?
Candidate for double SMP

If the crown area is gradually thinning

If you have a receding hairline

If you use partial wigs

If you want to cover scalp scars

If Your hair’s part line is getting wider

M-shaped hair line balding.

If you feel hair transplant surgery is too much

If you have hair loss after childbirth

If the hair cushion is uncomfortable

When density reinforcement is required after hair transplantation

The proprietary technique of filling without just dotting

What are the differences of BE&ME hair loss solution?


01 the differences from typical scalp tattoo?

utilize both dots and faces to
increase density and naturalness.

If conventional SMP (scalp micro pigmentation) was simply a scalp pigmentation therapy using olny dots,
Be&Me developed double filling technique utilizing dots and face to overcome existing limits, and increased both detail and density.

With micro-pointillism and double filling techniques improved over the existing skill , the outcome looks natural to see right in front of your nose.


02 Only with dots?

Customized treatment for each area
Details to mimic fine hair

front of Hairline : pointillism + mimic hair pattern

middle of Hairline : pointillism + filling technique

Behind the hairline : pointillism + filling technique

A awkward hairline caused by hair cushions or previous semi-permanent makeup.
Be&Me enhanced naturalness with the 3step-gradient technique using dot, line, face.


hair line


part line hair loss


Top of the head Hair loss


03 migration of pigment?

at optimal speed
Vivid and defined color

No matter how good device you use, it is useless if you lack the skills to handle the needle.

If you put the needle deep into the skin layer for a long time, the color will spread.
Be&Me Injects short and accurately, present defined hair-like outcomes over time


04 Dots patchy?

Uniform and pretty hair roots using a 90-degree needle angle.

Double SMP, which involves thousands and tens of thousands of dots, requires a high degree of concentration and patience.

If the technician’s posture or needle angle is slightly off, the shape and size of the dot will change, which can make it look like awkward.
Be&Me mimics Hair roots uniformly In a stable posture.


05 Awkward outcome?

Three-dimensional effect that
connects naturally with existing hair

How can the thinning hair look fuller?
Double SMP is different from dotting on flat paper.

Considering Scalp flexion that varies from individual,
the density is adjusted with a gradient to connect with the existing hair naturally


06 bluish discoloration?

Perfect color for my scalp
Natural over time

Just as the various color of makeup are applied depending on an individual's skin tone, so does for the scalp same.

Even if the same color pigment is used, the color revealed may be different depending on the scalp condition and tone of each individual.

With a variety of clinical data from millions of procedure at BE&Me, the optimal color is used to maintain natural over time.


07 Hair follicle damage?

Precisely targets to skin layer
thorough hair loss prevention.

Double SMP is treated with a fine needle to minimize scalp damage and
prevent hair loss by applying
to a depth that does not damage hair follicles.


08 Pigment loss?

sweatting or in the water,
you can be free 24 hours a day.

You don't have to worry about the result anymore.
No matter how hot the summer, any circumstance, any sports activities,
a natural daily life becomes possible.


09 Temporary effect?

Living comfortably for more than 5 years
with one treatment.

The hard time you had to cover and hide my hair loss every day,

Now you will be happy everyday.

Double SMP can be expected to last for more than 5 years with a single treatment.
post the procedure, you can take care to prevent hair loss, such as taking hair loss medicine, so it is more effective.


10 Who will perform it?

Plastic surgeon and beauty-liner
coordination system.

Who performs the procedure divide success or failure.
Relying solely on equipment has its limits.

Through collaborations with beauty liners and plastic surgeons of BE&ME, we continue to research and develop new technologies and unique styles.

It is designed by experienced beauty liners who have completed years of systematic training and rigorously trained.
There are many shops that imitate "BE&Me Beauty-Liner” but our results prove its differentiation

hair roots & density create both perfectly

Be&Me double SMP

20 years of experience in contour makeup
and highly skilled beauty-liner

these are the good reasons
why you should get it from Be&Me.

System 01

라인 하나도
전문 의료진과 뷰티라이너가
협진하는 시스템.

잠깐 어깨 너머로 기술만 보고 배운 사람과 반영구 화장의
유럽 전통 기술을 제대로 익히고 수년 간 체계적인 교육을 이수한
뷰티라이너의 실력은 도무지 같을 수가 없겠지요.

숙련된 노하우를 지닌 비앤미 뷰티라이너는 아시아 반영구 시장에서
하나의 표준이 되었고, 전문 의료진과 협진을 통해서 새로운 기술과
스타일에 대한 연구
를 지속해 나가고 있습니다.

System 02

전문적인 의료 시스템,
수술만큼 까다롭게 따져야
하는 이유.

세상에 가벼운 시술은 없습니다.
모든 의료 행위는 환자의 안전을 최우선으로 해야 합니다.
혹시 모를 부작용과 합병증에 대한 전문치료가 가능한지,
안전한 의료 시스템을 갖추고 있는지를 꼭 따져보세요.

비앤미는 20년 간 성형수술과 반영구 시술을 해 온
전문 의료기관으로 체계적인 시스템
을 갖추고 있습니다.
어디에서 시술받느냐는 당신의 안전과 직결된다는 것을 꼭 기억하세요.

System 03

한국 최초의
세계적인 반영구 전문그룹

비앤미는 1993년 유럽 컨투어 메이크업을 최초로 도입한 곳으로,
한국 반영구 화장의 대중화를 이끌었습니다.

20년 노하우의 비앤미는 여전히 트랜디하고 독보적인 디자인과
한국인에게 맞는 스타일 및 기술 연구로 반영구 메이크업에 발전

앞장서고 있습니다.

System 04

누보 컨투어
프리미엄 머신과
정통 기술력의 하모니

최신 장비도 중요하지만,
장비를 어떻게 핸들링하느냐가 더 중요합니다.

비앤미는 국내에 보유하고 있는 곳이 거의 없을 만큼
프리미엄 장비인 네더란드 누보 컨투어 최신 머신을 사용합니다.
OEN-WAY 통합 모듈 자동 시스템과 정통 손기술의 조화
차별화된 결과를 선사합니다.

System 05

멸균 소독관리.

당연하고도 엄격한 철칙

고객의 안전은 비앤미의 모든 것입니다.
오직 당신을 위한 1회용 니늘 사용, 모든 시술 도구의 철저한
멸균 소독 관리
는 기본이자 우리의 철칙

System 06

고객이 만족할 때까지
최선을 다하겠다는

비앤미가 20년 간 반영구 메이크업의 TOP를 유지할 수 있었던
이유는 고객님이 보내주신 신뢰 덕분입니다.

고객 만족이라는 건 하나의 결과만으로 이루어질 수 없다는 걸
잘 알기에,
비앤미 의료진과 전 직원은 고객님이 만족할 때까지
질 높은 의료 서비스를 제공할 것을 약속